Abu Dhabi, 09 January 2024: The Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (EAD) has issued a resolution on the assessment and management of risks resulting from soil pollution in the emirate of Abu Dhabi. The ruling aims to regulate the procedures for assessing and managing risks related to soil pollution and explains the mechanism for taking corrective measures to ensure sound environmental management practices.
The resolution was prepared in accordance with the provisions of Law No. (16) of 2005 regarding the reorganisation of EAD and its amendments, which grants EAD the authority to issue regulations and executive decisions of the law. The law is used to mitigate pollution and preserve the quality and safety of air, water, soil and natural resources while ensuring their optimal exploitation to protect humans and the environment. The Agency coordinated and cooperated with the relevant authorities in the emirate during the resolution’s preparation phase, in accordance with the approved system for preparing legislations in Abu Dhabi.
The provisions of the resolution apply to terrestrial protected areas and unused/undeveloped sites in the emirate, in addition to polluted or exposed sites and soils that fall within the geographical scope of the environmental license issued by EAD for a facility or project. The resolution specifies the procedures for risk assessment resulting from soil pollution in the targeted sites, in accordance with any environmental impact assessments and environmental studies required by the Agency from facilities and projects whose activities require an environmental license issued by the Agency. The resolution also specifies the rehabilitation procedures for polluted sites and soils in terms of the preparation and implementation of mitigation plans and/or environmental action plans based on the results of the initial or detailed assessments.
Her Excellency Dr. Shaikha Salem Al Dhaheri, Secretary General of EAD, said that the issuance of the resolution falls under the development of legislative frameworks related to preserving the various environmental elements in the emirate of Abu Dhabi, including soil. This helps address any potential negative environmental impacts caused by development, industrial, tourism and other activities, further supporting the Agency’s efforts to preserve the environment and its various elements and sustain them for future generations.
Commenting on the issuance of the resolution, Her Excellency said: “The Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi will implement the requirements of the resolution in the emirate in coordination and cooperation with strategic partners and based on systematic and organised procedures that will contribute to achieving its desired goals.”